Initial drawings

 I started by making some rough drawings

I’m setting the scene for myself here. I have some ideas of how I will lay this out but I need to get into the mood of the piece.

This is a drawing I made whilst waiting in my car for a dentists appointment. I managed to go out without my sketchbook so it’s on the back of a packet that I had in my work bag. Although it’s a well kept house in St Albans I like the way that the hedge is starting to take over.  I don’t want to use the original house but I want something that feels a bit gothic, an hint that this might not be a simple children’s story or if it is, it’s a bit more Brothers Grimm.

It needs a storyboard. I’ve got a new iPad to prop up my ageing Mac so I’m having a play with Procreate.

I’ve managed to cut the top off the image whilst I’m learning to copy and paste at the bottom but it’s a start. It puts down some of my ideas in visual form. It’s too detailed for a proper storyboard because I got excited about what I could make the software could do.
