Part 3 - Speculation

So what is the knitter doing with the wool?

Making a teddy bear?
 a jumper for a grandchild?

a blanket for a stray dog?
or is the wool a complicated signal to a spymaster? Or the knitters’ lover? Green wool, come on over, red wool stay away. 

Some sketchbook ideas. I don’t want to reveal anything about the knitter, I think that it’s important to the “plot” to keep them mysterious, but also I don’t want to assume that they are female.

I like using the hands exchanging the wool to illustrate the signalling to an outside person. I’m not sure which layout would tell the best story so I printed out the drawings and cut them out so that I could explore different arrangements.

These versions aren’t  dynamic enough and wouldn’t fit with a square format for instagram.

Lots of hands are dynamic but too busy and could be confusing.

But I quite like these versions
