Review - Project plan document

The text asks: Take some time to look at your work and re-read your document; revisit your aims and objectives and your proposed schedule of work.

My aims and objectives were:

I want to use this opportunity to learn to:

• make drawings which communicate.

• use a small number of images to tell a story.

• leave in some ambiguity so that the viewer does some of the work to complete the story.

• select scenes and subjects that are narrative.

• find a narrative in a simple situation.

My interests are scientific, educational illustration and narrative/reportage I believe that stories may be a good device to communicate information.

At the end of this course I plan to use self-generated projects to raise my profile and attract work. Narrative illustrations have the capacity to spread my work beyond my current circle of influence.

I felt that I had drifted off track because time constraints mean that I have focussed only on one story but I think that it fullfills all the bullet points that I listed. I would like to make more illustrations but I think that the focus of this project has impacted on other, non-degree work that I make.

My schedule was way off because I had missed that I only have 12 months to complete this module, but I think that with a big push now I should be submitting part 3 in early May and part 4/5 at the end of June.

I have used the reading list that I made but I have added other texts such as Type tells tales by Steven Heller and Gail Anderson  and Will Eisner’s Graphic Storytelling and Visual Narrative

For this project I continue to make work for myself, I expect to be making scientific and educational illustrations which is all about pleasing the author/editor/publisher and trying to guess how the work will be viewed by the reader. This project is to push myself to work more freely without looking over my shoulder for approval. I am asking for audience participation with the exhibition and online release so it will be interesting to see who engages with the work.

As I am presenting my work initially as part of a local arts festival I am in part tagging onto them for marketing and publicity although I’m not convinced that they are marketing the event very well. I plan to make a series of releases on social media to alert people who know me. This will prepare the ground for an online release of the story as I hope that it will intrigue the people who can’t attend the exhibition.  

Below are some questions to help you start:

• What have you made so far? 

Drawings, paintings, collage, knitting, animation, installation, cutouts, digital drawings and a zine

What do you still have to make?

Most of the physical work is done but needs adjusting for the proposed instagram release.

• Are there any technical challenges to overcome?

Getting the installation/exhibition to work in a garden that I can’t visit until the day. Dealing with whatever weather conditions we get on the day

• If so, how do you intend to resolve them?

I’m taking glue, wool scissors, tape etc to make running adjustments. I have plastic sheeting if it drizzles but if it is very wet or windy the exhibition will be cancelled and I will use my mock up.

• How has your research and reading informed your decisions?

It has opened my ideas to make something that is less literal and wider reaching than my first proposal. It has encouraged me to pare the story down to its elements. 

• What questions have you been able to answer about your practice? 

I feel that I can tell stories and that stories are central to what I choose to illustrate when I have a choice. I am a mixed media artist using anything that is relevant and appropriate to communicate visually.

• What questions remain?

Does my story, and the way that I have chosen to tell it, make sense to anyone else? Was this the right way to present the story or the right story to present? Can I combine what I have learned here to tell stories to educate and inform? Can I make some of my living from visual communication?

• Are you on schedule?

We will know by the end of June….

Because I am short on time I was planing to skip some of the coursework prompts but I’m glad that I found time to do this as the reflection has been valuable in preparation for the next stage of my project 
