Exercise 3.1 Critique and reflection on my work so far


The exhibition gave me an opportunity to show my work to a wider audience and I have discussed the feedback here The professional artists from the Herts Visual Arts Forum were supporting and encouraging but I couldn’t draw any critical feedback from them. So far the most useful critical comment has come from my tutor and my family..

The online presentation is an opportunity to reach further afield and I have asked OCA students to visit and send me their comments. I will post again in the discussion forum once the project is completely online as a reminder and to catch people who are short of time and may not stick around for a daily update. I don’t think that online likes are a very good indicator of the value of a piece of work, I think that they often reflect the respondents state of mind when the post is viewed. It’s difficult to get work to a wider audience but I keep persisting.

The text says “ Remember, you won’t always get the feedback you want” I’d love some really critical feedback but people are just too nice. I had more success with my research project possibly because I was at work and they could talk about the viewers reaction to the medical subject matter. People seem pathologically reluctant to critique the illustration itself.


From my manifesto:

I, Caroline Hoy, promise:

- to only make work that benefits the world that I live in. 

The project intends to make people look more kindly on other people in their community

- to do no harm, to people or the planet.

Most of the work was done on biodegradable card I left no litter after my exhibition and my online project only requires electricity and is viewed on existing devices

- I will not sell things that I don’t believe in to people who don’t need them.

I’m not selling anything but ideas here and I’ve loved that

- I will not knowingly make work that is designed to be immediately discarded.

I gave a few zines to children who probably threw them away so I fell down a bit here but they were only sheets of recycled paper and will biodegrade

- I intend to use illustration to share knowledge and open eyes.

I hope to open my viewers eyes to the possibilities of the world on their doorstep

- I will strive to continue to explore and experiment, embracing new techniques and technologies.

I think that I have succeeded here and I will continue to look for different ways to visualise my ideas

- Using old fashioned drawing combined with digital technology I will explore visual, interactive and tactile ideas to make important information stand out and to entertain my viewers, even if the piece is intended to be educational or instructive.

See above

- I believe in using illustration to make complex ideas and concepts more accessible and understandable and to reveal the seen and the unseen.

I have revealed the unseen here

- I will look for different perspectives and novel solutions and take my viewers and clients with me on my voyage of discovery always attempting to give them my best work

One of the visitors to the exhibition said that the project was unique  so I’m quite pleased with that

In my project plan document I wrote:

I want to use this opportunity to learn to:

• make drawings which communicate.

• use a small number of images to tell a story.

• leave in some ambiguity so that the viewer does some of the work to complete the story.

• select scenes and subjects that are narrative.

• find a narrative in a simple situation 

I think that the project so far has met these objectives. 

The assessment criteria are:

  • demonstrate specialist knowledge and contextual understanding of your practice and

    develop promotional strategies to communicate this to an external audience

    I have reached an external audience through the exhibition and the online project. I have a deeper understanding of my identity as a visual communicator through discussing my work with others at the exhibition. I am confident in my ability to rapidly transform medical concepts to readable illustrations and to tell stories with my illustrations and assemblages. I describe myself as a mixed media communicator

  • initiate and undertake self-directed projects that show creative application of a personal

    visual language

    This has been a very personal project but it seems to be understandable by a wider audience who have engaged with it in a very positive way. I think that the way that I have told the story demonstrates my visual language

  • respond to project work by undertaking and assimilating research, developing creative

    ideas, undertaking visual experimentation and producing outcomes to a high visual


    The project is experimental and until I got it out to a wider audience I couldn’t know if it was too experimental. I have read other practitioners ways of communicating and I think that I have made something that is individual and different. 

  • present a synthesis of your creative and technical skills and your conceptual and contextual

    understanding of your practice through a sustained body of work.

    I would like to expand my body of work here. I’ve been drawing and planning for months but when you put it all together it doesn’t look very extensive. Have I done enough?
