The online element 2 - The windows

 How to generate interest in the windows within a small square frame?

Pictures without the distraction of the figure. 

Or zooming in on the window:

Maybe I’ll zoom in on these? They’re brighter and clearer than the whole house, I think that they’re more attractive. I decided to release the first two images of the whole house as a teaser on stories in the morning and the windows by themselves later in the day.

I experimented with different ways to increase the size of the windows and focus the viewers eye.

I think that the whole windows work better, the fragments are confusing. Most viewers use Instagram on a phone which was the platform it was designed for, so although incrementally increasing the size of the windows looks good here…
….the smallest window will be hard to see. I am therefore, going to post the windows sequentially in the same  post and keep them all the same size.

I was going to wait for feedback from my tutor before I published the online version but I had three people yesterday asking me about the exhibition so it seemed sensible to capitalise on their interest and get posting. 
